Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Well, I completed my 8 day cleanse! The results were stellar...9 pounds down and 12 inches lost all over my body! During this cleanse I only drank water ( A LOT OF WATER) and my protein shakes when it was the appropriate time. Now, starting this, I thought how am I going to go without my morning coffee !?!?!?  Friends, I am here to tell you I DID NOT MISS MY CUP OF JOE.  I wasn't just a one cup gal, I often times would drink 2-3 LARGE cups of coffee (although I recently had switched to decaf). I also had a craving several times a week for a Diet Dr. Pepper.  So, here I am close to 2 weeks later and I have not had anything to drink but water. (ok last night for my Anniversary, I did have some Almond Sparkling Wine..but it didn't "hit the spot").  So, I feel proud that I may be weaning myself off the coffee addiction.. Not that there is anything wrong with a cup of coffee, I just drank too much and my pearly whites were starting to reap the effects.  I also have NO desire to drink a soda. Now...I know soda is bad for you, but we all love the crisp bubbles on a hot day!

Back to the cleanse...I went into it nervous, yet hopeful. Could this be the kick start I needed? Yes, I believe it is just what I needed. You see, I just wanted to lose some weight. I feel good most days, right!?!? WRONG. I guess I had just gotten so used to being sluggish all day and living with a fog in my head. Since I have finished the cleanse, I feel amazing! It is like this FOG has lifted out of my head and I have so much energy!  For the last 5 years its almost like I was not the person I recognized. Horribly anti-social, tired, tended to be negative and just getting through the day. The XYNGULAR products have made me feel like my old self again! I am happy to see people, I want to see people and I can focus on my daily tasks! I know I have made a lot of life changes lately which have helped, but the tired sluggish feeling is gone! I am guessing there was a nutrient I have been deficient on for years and by adding the XYNGULAR Products it is assisting. I am so excited about this, I have started my sweet husband on some of the products...and if I had it my way my whole family would be on them!

Since I have completed the cleanse I haven't lost anything additional scale wise...but clothes are starting to fit better. Those are victories friends!

Oh yeah...We were talking about addictions... aside from Coffee, I would have to say sweets were my addiction. To be honest, if a waiter came to the table and said "you can have filet mignon  for dinner or Chocolate Cake, but not both" I WOULD ALWAYS CHOOSE THE CAKE! I LOVE dessert. My gut is living proof!  There aren't many desserts I am not a fan of (ok, maybe jello or banana flavored desserts). Having Chocolate in the house is dangerous. I will admit, I indulged on some treats after the cleanse was over (used cheat) but they just didn't taste the same! I would eat it and ok, it tasted good still...but I didn't feel good after eating it.  It didn't taste "worth it" to me. How incredible would it be to not crave sugary sweet crap all the time!?!?! THAT ALONE IS A VICTORY!

So as a check list aside from my inches and pounds lost, here are my benefits so far from XYNGULAR:
1) Not craving sweet foods or sodas and coffee
2) Not struggling to focus on work
3) sleeping so much better
4) Able to wake up without feeling like I didn't sleep
5) No more joint pain! (this includes my back...which is fused and hurts used to hurt all the time)
6)VISION IMPROVEMENTS! (I have been thinking for months I needed to go get glasses. Not anymore!)
7) ENERGY!!!!
8) More patience with my family
9) Much more social
10) I FEEL HAPPY!!!!!!! :)
(I also have not had heartburn, and I am a prescription medicine the heartburn is so bad person..haven't taken my meds in a week and I have had NO heartburn...WHOOP!)

HOLY COW!!!!! I am so excited to see what else it can do for me and my family.  As soon as my Xypstix are in...Lena is getting some! She will love it and I think it will help with her allergies and maybe help her mellow out (wishful thinking???)

I originally ordered and was going to do it for a month and be I feel so great, I want to keep going. I have decided to be a distributor as I want to help other people feel good inside as well as out! I mean...with my Mary Kay business covering outward appearance and this helping someone feel healthy...I am a one stop!
If you are interested in the products and what the buzz is all about, I am happy to help. I am telling you...I FEEL AMAZING!

With that being said....I have a 2 yr old that is potty training and I need to start our grilled chicken and veggie lunch! YUMMERS! Maybe next time I will have something clever to say...

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